take off to the moon

take off to the moon

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Ingredients: Sencha green tea with wild cherry. Contains theine.

sencha tea

Sencha is a Japanese green tea that is made without crushing the leaves. Some varieties expand when soaked to resemble sprouts in smell, appearance, and flavor. It has an intense lollipop aroma, and its subtle cherry flavor settles on the tongue after each sip, without being cloying.

Sencha is grown mainly in three regions: Shizuoka, Kagoshima, and Kyoto. Its farmers refuse to let the passage of time and modernization destroy a tradition that has been protected for centuries. Thanks to them, we can still continue enjoying what is considered one of the best elixirs for youth. The habit of drinking a cup of Japanese green tea every day offers us a long list of benefits.

Preparation: Being a green tea, it is recommended to let it rest for 2 to 3 minutes with water at 80 to 85º, otherwise the tea will oxidize and end up with a bitter taste.

To take it according to tradition, sugar should not be added, but tastes have changed since then and you can sweeten it with honey, sweetener and other sweeteners to taste.

Green tea properties :

  1. Lowers LDL cholesterol levels.
  2. Increases bone formation and decreases its resorption
  3. Promotes weight control and metabolism of body fat.
  4. Antioxidant and cleansing
  5. Green tea improves dental health and reduces bad breath.
  6. With a high concentration of vitamin C, green tea strengthens the immune system against colds, flu and other infections.
  7. Brain stimulant, improving concentration, memory and performance for study periods.
  8. In addition to a large amount of antioxidants, it has minerals, amino acids and vitamins that improve intestinal flora.